Monday, August 29, 2011

Passing it on...

     I had a huge power point presentation due tonight which made for a stressful day today. I did manage to take some time to work with Molly on school, despite my deadline. It turned out to be one of the more life-changing homeschooling moments for me. I needed her to work on her writing, but she is planning a huge art show and was having trouble focusing. We incorporated her art show with her writing.  She made signs and then drew a corresponding picture. She wrote the word "zipper" and then drew a picture of a rather huge zipper. She taped them all to my dining room wall. It was great fun and it was the first time that I could understand how homeschoolers incorporate what their kids were interested in with their school work. I used to try to force it thinking that maybe I was just doing it wrong or not trying hard enough. I did not see how naturally it happens!

     I then got out a small pitcher, a 2-cup measuring cup, and different size glasses. I had her pouring, measuring, estimating, and playing with the different musical notes the glasses made as we adjusted the water. The look on her face when she realized that two very different sized glasses held the same amount of water was priceless. There is not much that she cannot figure out so stumping her was a big deal! Water was everywhere! I had to excuse myself at one point and go text my husband about the mess rather than say it to Molly. It cleaned up in a moment and was only water, after all. With all of the stress my learning team's assignment was causing, stopping to enjoy some positive schooling with Molly was absolutely the brightest point in my day. Finally finding out what all those parents mean by incorporating what the child is working on with school work is a huge gift!! I had to pass it on:)

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