Thursday, December 8, 2011

Computer Crash

    Back in the first weekend of November I went to a day-long seminar to hear a woman named Carol Joy Seid speak about using literature in homeschooling. I came out of that seminar with renewed focus and renewed passion. I couldn't wait to jump in on that Monday morning and implement the changes I had resolved to make. First I would drastically reduce her television watching. She never watched that much, but I was going to try to get it to an hour or two a week total. The second thing was to get her off the computer. Reducing the computer time goes against almost everything I was taught to believe and actually almost every parent and teacher believe...that computers help kids learn. What I learned in the seminar is that computer use actually damages childrens eyes, and it also takes them away from the way they learn exploring their environment, listening to books, life experience. It turned out that Molly had an appointment on that Monday with a pediactric opthamologist. I had made the appointment back in September after her pediatrician recommended she see a specialist. The timing could not have been more perfect, it turns out! I was able to talk to the specialist about what I had heard at the conference. The specialist agreed 100% with Ms. Seid. The doctor said that they now see so many young children whose eyes have been damaged and who need glasses at 4, 5, and 6 years old. All of the parents said that the child played hand-held video games, and spent time on the computer. She recommends drastically reducing computer and video game time for all children because it affects the growth of the eyes and causes permanent damage. The doctor also said that she rarely saw it is becoming more common as more games and websites are being marketed to young children. I was so grateful to have heard this message at the seminar, but then to be able to speak to an expert and have the message confirmed really made me rethink the path we were on. Just because other parents are doing it, and just because marketing people are telling you that it will make your child smarter doesn't mean it is healthy for your child. Do the research yourself and make a decision that is best for your family.

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