Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Great Day

    We had a really good school day today! Molly worked on her reading quite a bit. I said sentences out loud and she told me which words were verbs and which words were adjectives. On the computer she was given words with letters missing and she filled in the letters. She also identified short and long vowel sounds in words. She worked on opposites, rhyming, and using positional words to describe where things were in pictures. Molly read sentences and then matched the sentence to the picture that it described. She really enjoyed it all and worked really hard!
    In math, she worked on greater than/less than, patterns, and writing her numbers. After we finished her math, we played up in her room and got ready for a ball. She was playing with  stuffed "Ren and Stimpy" dolls and said that Ren needed to put on his "cloak"...she cracks me up!
   Molly had her swimming lesson today. She actually put her face in the water and blew bubbles! She is making huge progress considering she hates to get her face wet. She is in class with three other girls and they are all older. I think it is good for her to see how comfortable they are in the water. Her teacher is great, too, which helps so much! We went to Oberweis after swimming for a treat and then went to Whole Foods to do some shopping. Now she has a beach scene set up (a blanket with an open umbrella on top) and is watching Lilo and Stitch. It's time for dinner and a lot of reading time with Daddy. A great end to a great day:)

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