Monday, September 12, 2011


     Molly and I started reading "The Secret Garden." Well, technically, I am reading "The Secret Garden" to her...she is actively listening. I have it on my Kindle and I read it aloud to her while she sits on the floor and plays. We read the first three chapters in one sitting. I make sure that I stop while she is still interested so that she anticipates the next reading time. This book is going to branch us off into so many other topics...cholera, moors, India,and England are just some of the things we are now discussing. Reading is such a love for both of us, and being able to jump around to various topics as they come up in our different books just makes it that much more exciting.
     She worked on her reading a lot this week. She is so close. She read me her sunscreen tube the other day in the car. It got a bit confusing when she was sounding out SPF;) I had to explain abbreviations. She is also really picking up verbs and adjectives when she hears them in a sentence. Math is going really well and science remains her most favorite part of school. I found a great science book called, "Super Fun Science" by Heno Head, Jr. It is full of activities that are easy to do and you don't need a lot of supplies on hand. We need to work on our sign language this week, we are both getting rusty. She also wants to add in studying constellations so we will be dabbling in that this week. I have to fit it in around her doctor and dentist appts., swimming lesson, and some playdates. We can usually carve out time in the mornings. Tomorrow we don't have anywhere to be until swimming at 1:00 so we will get a good school day in in the morning:)

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